Trees For Life Ticket Portal

Gaelic Landscape Walk: Ceum a' Ghiuthais

Tuesday 24th September and Tuesday 29th October, 10am-1pm

Join us on a walk up Ceum a' Ghiuthais, the pine path, to discover the Gaelic heritage of this area. This walk takes you up through beautiful woodland and out onto open moorland, with a detour off the path to see the remains of a former shieling. We will discuss place names, folklore and evidence of past people at Dundreggan, and how Gaelic language and culture help to shape our vision for rewilding the Highlands.

This is a steep, rough and often narrow path, with frequent obstacles, including narrow stream crossings, and boggy patches. There will be a brief detour over tussocky, pathless ground to see the site of an old shieling.

Please wear sturdy walking shoes with ankle support, and bring waterproofs. Don't forget water and a snack: we'll be stopping for a srùbag!

Under 18s must be accompanied by parent/guardian.

For a shorter, gentler, low level walk, join us on our Gaelic landscape walk around Ceum an Aitinn, available here.

Ticket options

  • Gaelic Landscape Walk: Ceum a' Ghiuthais Adult
    Gaelic Landscape Walk: Ceum a' Ghiuthais Adult
    0 30 max
  • Gaelic Landscape Walk: Ceum a' Ghiuthais Under 16
    Gaelic Landscape Walk: Ceum a' Ghiuthais Under 16
    0 30 max
Gaelic Landscape Walk: Ceum a' Ghiuthais

Tuesday 24th September and Tuesday 29th October, 10am-1pm

Join us on a walk up Ceum a' Ghiuthais, the pine path, to discover the Gaelic heritage of this area. This walk takes you up through beautiful woodland and out onto open moorland, with a detour off the path to see the remains of a former shieling. We will discuss place names, folklore and evidence of past people at Dundreggan, and how Gaelic language and culture help to shape our vision for rewilding the Highlands.

This is a steep, rough and often narrow path, with frequent obstacles, including narrow stream crossings, and boggy patches. There will be a brief detour over tussocky, pathless ground to see the site of an old shieling.

Please wear sturdy walking shoes with ankle support, and bring waterproofs. Don't forget water and a snack: we'll be stopping for a srùbag!

Under 18s must be accompanied by parent/guardian.

For a shorter, gentler, low level walk, join us on our Gaelic landscape walk around Ceum an Aitinn, available here.

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